
September 2, 2011

Wishing It All Away

Originally posted to tumblr:

In the most recent months that Scoot has lived with us we have received a lot of advice. The phrase that is coming to mind today is "Don't wish their childhood away." This comes up when I speak about Scoot's recent developments such as walking or babbling and how I say "I can't wait until _____."

I do not think that I am wishing her childhood away, but at this immediate moment Scoot is beginning to turn into a person. Her personality is beginning to spill out of her at an amazing rate with likes, dislikes, "meh's, and it is getting hard to remember even in the age of all things digital. Her development is the most interesting thing in the world right now because this once feeble blob is now beginning to do all kinds of things that make her - Incredible - incredible to be around.

The best advice so far was from a coworker that pushes this idea, "Don't miss anything and don't sweat the small things because you'll blink and they'll be gone." Why this is the best is because the advice is about Scoot. It is not about me and it is not about how I parent. It is solely about making sure I get the distractions that keep me from being there for her out of my life.

The only way to wish away her childhood is to fill my time with anything that is not Scoot.

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